The reference price is the average price weighted by volume. When calculating the reference price, all transactions performed on the Stock Exchange (regular and block transactions), as well as transactions reported to the Stock Exchange (OTC transactions) are taken into account.
The CROBIS index is calculated for debt securities using reference prices.
Reference prices for shares and ETFs until December 31st, 2022 are expressed in HRK currency, and from January 1st, 2023 in EUR currency.
Symbol | ISIN | Price | Volume | Turnover |
7BET | HRICAMFBETR5 | 15.1824 | 520.00 | 7,894.84 |
7CRO | HRICAMFCR102 | 25.40 | 5.00 | 127.00 |
7GROM | HRICAMFERGB2 | 10.30 | 10.00 | 103.00 |
7SLO | HRICAMFSBI06 | 31.2238 | 743.00 | 23,199.29 |
ADPL | HRADPLRA0006 | 11.6815 | 1,594.00 | 18,620.30 |
ADRS | HRADRSRA0007 | 78.50 | 296.00 | 23,236.00 |
ADRS2 | HRADRSPA0009 | 59.6060 | 1,712.00 | 102,045.40 |
ATGR | HRATGRRA0003 | 52.7364 | 165.00 | 8,701.50 |
ATPL | HRATPLRA0008 | 48.20 | 25.00 | 1,205.00 |
CKML | HRCKMLRA0008 | 10.20 | 100.00 | 1,020.00 |
DDJH | HRDDJHRA0007 | 22.0960 | 75.00 | 1,657.20 |
DLKV | HRDLKVRA0006 | 3.5037 | 9,454.00 | 33,123.68 |
ERNT | HRERNTRA0000 | 184.9874 | 4,058.00 | 750,679.00 |
H253B | HRRHMFO253B1 | 100.1645 | 440,000.00 | 440,724.00 |
HPB | HRHPB0RA0002 | 256.00 | 43.00 | 11,008.00 |
HT | HRHT00RA0005 | 33.4027 | 63,804.00 | 2,131,225.80 |
IKBA | HRIKBARA0008 | 438.00 | 69.00 | 30,222.00 |
ILRA | HRILRARA0009 | 29.80 | 25.00 | 745.00 |
INGR | HRINGRRA0001 | 1.9175 | 1,090.00 | 2,090.03 |
JDOS | HRJDOSRA0001 | 466.00 | 2.00 | 932.00 |
KODT | HRKODTRA0007 | 1,703.5542 | 2,535.00 | 4,318,510.00 |
KODT2 | HRKODTPA0009 | 1,706.75 | 40.00 | 68,270.00 |
KOEI | HRKOEIRA0009 | 387.4108 | 1,351.00 | 523,392.00 |
LKPC | HRLKPCRA0005 | 130.00 | 64.00 | 8,320.00 |
LKRI | HRLKRIRA0007 | 7.95 | 314.00 | 2,496.30 |
MONP | HRMONPRA0007 | 7.3706 | 1,453.00 | 10,709.55 |
PDBA | HRPDBARA0008 | 68.2432 | 185.00 | 12,625.00 |
PLAG | HRPLAGRA0003 | 316.00 | 50.00 | 15,800.00 |
PODR | HRPODRRA0004 | 152.8750 | 200.00 | 30,575.00 |
RIVP | HRRIVPRA0000 | 5.0785 | 21,996.00 | 111,706.18 |
SNBA | HRSNBARA0003 | 14.60 | 260.00 | 3,796.00 |
SPAN | HRSPANRA0007 | 50.2216 | 490.00 | 24,608.60 |
T447A | HRRHMFT447A6 | 99.51 | 2,000.00 | 1,990.20 |
ULPL | HRULPLRA0002 | 15.2412 | 85.00 | 1,295.50 |
VLEN | HRVLENRB0001 | 4.4746 | 1,550.00 | 6,935.60 |
ZABA | HRZABARA0009 | 20.0949 | 3,131.00 | 62,917.10 |
- Symbol
- Price