Surveillance: Observation Segment

The Exchange may temporarily place shares and other financial instruments in a special observation segment in order to draw the attention of the investment public to the need for increased monitoring of the circumstances relevant to trading in the respective financial instrument.

The subject of observation can be a financial instrument, i.e. an issuer who is currently undergoing certain special circumstances that require disclosure to investors.

The reasons for the placement of a financial instrument in the observation segment are different circumstances associated with the issuer, regulated by Article 260 of the Zagreb Stock Exchange Rules d.d.

The issuer may submit a written request to the Exchange, seeking an abolishment of classification in the observation segment. The request shall be properly explained.

List of securities classified under Observation Segment

Date Instruments Reason for classification
07/26/2024 PODR zbog obavijest Izdavatelja o potpisu kupoprodajnog ugovora o preuzimanju Belja, PIK-a Vinkovci i Vupika
07/25/2024 TKPR zbog prijedloga odluke Glavnoj skupštini o isplati dividende u iznosu EUR 5,00 po dionici
07/24/2024 JNAF zbog odluke Glavne skupštine o isplati dividende u iznosu EUR 30,95 po dionici
  • Date
  • Instruments