Zagreb Stock Exchange: News
- 03/13/2015 16:21
- Revision of CROBEX10 index
- 03/06/2015 12:47
- Revision of CROBEX and CROBEXtr indices
- 02/17/2015 12:33
- Revision of CROBIS and CROBIStr indices
- 01/19/2015 11:29
- Extraordinary revision of CROBEX, CROBEXtr, CROBEX10, CROBEXplus and CROBEXturist indices
- 11/11/2014 15:34
- Revision of CROBIS and CROBIStr indices
- 11/10/2014 15:11
- Revision of CROBEXplus and sector indices
- 09/17/2014 10:59
- Revision of CROBEX10 index
- 09/10/2014 14:13
- Revision of CROBEX and CROBEXtr indices
- 08/07/2014 13:59
- Revision of CROBIS and CROBIStr indices
- 05/20/2014 10:03
- Revision of CROBIS and CROBIStr indices
- 05/08/2014 12:34
- Revision of CROBEXplus and sector indices
- 04/23/2014 14:38
- Ammedments on Resolution on CROBEXplus and sector indices
- 03/24/2014 13:48
- Correction of CROBEX and CROBEXtr indices
- 03/18/2014 13:20
- Extraordinary revision of CROBEXplus and CROBEXtransport indices
- 03/12/2014 14:01
- Revision of CROBEX10 index
- 03/07/2014 13:03
- Revision of CROBEX and CROBEXtr indices
- 02/13/2014 14:06
- Revision of CROBIS and CROBIStr indices
- 11/11/2013 10:35
- Revision of CROBIS and CROBIStr indices
- 11/08/2013 10:33
- Revision of CROBEXplus and sector indices
- 11/06/2013 10:23
- Corrected values of CROBEXplus and CROBEXnutris indices
- 09/09/2013 10:27
- Revision of CROBEX10 index
- 09/06/2013 10:14
- Revision of CROBEX index
- 08/28/2013 14:17
- Extraordinary revision of CROBEXplus index
- 08/23/2013 14:38
- Amendments to Resolutions on CROBEX and CROBEX10 indices
- 07/31/2013 15:15
- Revision of CROBIS and CROBIStr indices
- 07/25/2013 16:26
- Extraordinary revision of CROBEXplus and CROBEXturist indices
- 05/22/2013 09:14
- Revision of CROBIS and CROBIStr indices
- 05/10/2013 11:47
- Revision of CROBEXplus and sector indices
- 05/07/2013 14:31
- Extraordinary revision of CROBEX index