News: 13 years of Zagreb Stock Exchange Academy

06/16/2023 09:51

Since its inception, the Zagreb Stock Exchange has been actively involved in educating individuals on topics related to the capital market, investing, and taking an active approach to personal finances. Over the years, the Stock Exchange has regularly organized lecture series for various groups of participants in the financial market, ranging from small investors to infrastructure institutions and professionals, with a special emphasis on students and high school students. Over time, there has been a growing need for a more formalized approach to education and expanding the knowledge base on financial topics, which led to the establishment of the Zagreb Stock Exchange Academy.

The Zagreb Stock Exchange Academy was launched in May 2010 as the educational department of the Zagreb Stock Exchange, with the support of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. Today, it is the largest provider of financial market education services in Croatia.
The Academy has developed over 90 different programs to date, including several comprehensive programs in terms of duration and comprehensiveness. For example, the Investor Relations program has seen the completion of 13 generations of professionals, while the Compliance program has had 6 generations of participants.

The Academy has organized over 600 educational events, with over 11,000 participants, of which approximately 70% have been provided with free education. The Academy places a strong emphasis on educating young individuals, particularly high school and university students, with over 5,000 students educated over the years. In addition to participants from across Croatia, international student groups from Europe and around the world (including Brazil, South Africa, Canada, China, the United States, and other countries) have visited the Academy during these 13 years. Each year, the Academy also participates in the activities of Money Week as one of over 16,000 organizations worldwide dedicated to raising awareness about the importance of financial literacy for children and youth.
Moreover, the Academy has organized 12 roundtable discussions on various current topics in finance and investment. It collaborates with numerous organizations and institutions dedicated to improving financial literacy and has been part of the body responsible for developing the strategic framework for financial literacy at the Ministry of Finance. Currently, it participates in the Operational Working Group for monitoring the implementation of measures and activities defined in the action plan for improving consumer financial literacy and has conducted financial literacy training for teachers on several occasions in collaboration with the Agency for Education.

The Academy also manages an online stock trading simulation called "Virtualna burza" (Virtual Stock Exchange), which has registered over 25,000 users. It has been used for over a decade in teaching related to capital markets at several economic and related faculties, as well as high schools.
The Academy collaborates with numerous student associations, faculties, and high schools, providing them with various benefits such as visits to the Academy, organizing lectures and financial knowledge quizzes, guest lectures at faculties and schools, and supporting projects aimed at financial literacy in various ways. Their efforts in this field have been recognized, and the Academy has received the "Student Friendly" award twice, which is awarded to organizations for their significant contribution to the quality of student life, education, and professional development.

Since 2012, the Academy has also presented its own Award for Contribution to Capital Market Education, which has been awarded to individuals, organizations, and associations such as the Economic Clinic, the Financial Club of the Faculty of Economics in Zagreb, eStudent, mathematician Toni Milun, economist Velimir Šonje, and others who have successfully popularized financial knowledge and made it accessible to a wider audience.