03/11/2020 11:49
In accordance with the article 4 of the Rules of Procedure of the Indices Committee from 3rd September 2019, the Index Committee has concluded, at the meeting on March 10th 2020, a regular revision of the Zagreb Stock Exchange indices CROBEX®, CROBEXtr®, CROBEX10®, CROBEXplus®, CROBEXnutris®, CROBEXkonstrukt®, CROBEXindustrija®, CROBEXturist®, CROBEXprime® i ADRIAprime©. The revision was carried out based on the trading data from September 1st, 2019 to February 29th, 2020.
CROBEX® and CROBEXtr® Arena Hospitality Group d.d. (trading symbol ARNT, ISIN HRARNTRA0004) and Končar d.d. (trading symbol KOEI, ISIN HRKOEIRA0009) shares will be excluded from the composition of CROBEX® and CROBEXtr® indices. The following shares will be included in the composition of CROBEX® and CROBEXtr® indices:
CROBEX10® Arena Hospitality Group d.d. shares (trading symbol ARNT, ISIN HRARNTRA0004) and Končar d.d. shares (trading symbol KOEI, ISIN HRKOEIRA0009) will be excluded from the composition of CROBEX® and CROBEXtr® indices. KRAŠ d.d. shares (trading symbol KRAS, ISIN HRKRASRA0008) and ATLANTSKA PLOVIDBA d.d. shares (trading symbol ATPL, ISIN HRATPLRA0008) will be included in the composition of the CROBEX10®. CROBEXplus® and sectoral indices Liburnia Riviera Hoteli d.d. (trading symbol LRH, ISIN HRLRH0RA0007) will be excluded from the CROBEXplus® index and CROBEXturist® sector index. The following shares will be included in the composition of the CROBEXplus® index and corresponding sector indices:
CROBEXprime® There are no changes in the composition of the CROBEXprime®index. ADRIAprime© There are no changes in the composition of the ADIRAprime© index. Regular revision of CROBEX®, CROBEXtr®, CROBEX10®, CROBEXplus®, CROBEXnutris®, CROBEXkonstrukt®, CROBEXindustrija®, CROBEXturist®, CROBEXprime® and ADRIAprime© indices will be carried out after the close of trading on March 20th, 2020. The calculation of indices with a new composition will start as of March 23rd 2020. |