News: Revision of equity indices

03/07/2023 14:10
In accordance with the article 4 of the Rules of Procedure of the Indices Committee from 3rd September 2019, the Index Committee has concluded, at the meeting on March 7, 2023, a regular revision of the Zagreb Stock Exchange indices CROBEX®, CROBEXtr®, CROBEX10®, CROBEX10tr®, CROBEXprime®, ADRIAprime©, CROBEXplus® and sectoral indices. The revision was carried out based on the trading data from September 1, 2022 to February 28, 2023.
The following shares will be excluded from the composition of CROBEX® and CROBEXtr® indices:
  • HPB d.d. (trading code HPB, ISIN HRHPB0RA0002)
  • INGRA d.d. (trading code INGR, ISIN HRINGRRA0001)
  • FTB TURIZAM d.d. (trading code LRHC, ISIN HRLRHCRA0008)
  • PLAVA LAGUNA d.d. (trading code PLAG, ISIN HRPLAGRA0003)
The following shares will be included in the composition of CROBEX® and CROBEXtr® indices:
  • Kutjevo d.d. (trading code KTJV , ISIN HRKTJVRA0002) 

CROBEX10® and CROBEX10tr®
The following shares will be excluded from the composition of CROBEX10® and CROBEX10tr® indices:
  • AD PLASTIK d.d. (trading code ADPL, ISIN HRADPLRA0006)
The following shares will be included in the composition of CROBEX10® and CROBEX10tr® indices:
  • SPAN d.d. (trading code SPAN, ISIN HRSPANRA0007) 

CROBEXplus® and sectoral indices
The following shares will be excluded from the composition of CROBEXplus® and corresponding sector indices:  
  • Dalekovod d.d. (trading code DLKV, ISIN HRDLKVRA0006)- CBXkonstrukt
  • HPB d.d. (trading code HPB, ISIN HRHPB0RA0002)
  • JADROAGENT d.d. (trading code JDGT, ISIN HRJDGTRA0000) -CBXtransport
  • FTB TURIZAM d.d. (trading code LRHC , ISIN HRLRHCRA0008) - CBXturist
  • SLATINSKA BANKA d.d. (trading code SNBA, ISIN HRSNBARA0003)
  • ALPHA ADRIATIC d.d. (trading code ULPL, ISIN HRULPLRA0002) - CBXtransport
The following shares will be included in the composition of CROBEXplus® and corresponding sector indices:  
  • INSTITUT IGH d.d.  (trading code IGH, ISIN HRIGH0RA0006) - CBXkonstrukt
  • Kutjevo d.d. (trading code KTJV , ISIN HRKTJVRA0002)
  • LUKA RIJEKA d.d. (trading code LKRI, ISIN HRLKRIRA0007) - CBXtransport

There are no changes in the composition of CROBEXprime®index.
There are no changes in the composition of ADIRAprime© index.
Regular revision of CROBEX®, CROBEXtr®, CROBEX10®, CROBEX10tr®, CROBEXprime®, ADRIAprime©, CROBEXplus® and sectoral indices will be carried out after the close of trading on March 17, 2023. The calculation of indices with a new composition will start as of March 20, 2023.
