News: Extraordinary revision of CROBEX, CROBEXtr and CROBEXplus indices

04/08/2022 15:37
In accordance with the CROBEX© resolution from January 20, 2020, the CROBEXtr© resolution from August 30, 2019 and the CROBEXplus® index and sectoral indices Resolution from January 20, 2020, the Index Committee has concluded, at the meeting on April 8, 2022, an extraordinary index revision of the Zagreb Stock Exchange CROBEX©, CROBEXtr© and CROBEXplus® indices.

In accordance with the article 11 of the Resolution on CROBEX© index, the article 10 of the Resolution on CROBEXtr© index and the article 7 of the Resolution on CROBEXplus® index and sectoral indices, specific event for the extraordinary index revision is delisting of a particular share. As company OT-OPTIMA TELEKOM d.d. submitted a request for a shareholder squeeze-out on April 8, 2022 which will then result in delisting the shares of the subject company from the regulated market of Zagreb Stock Exchange, its shares shall be excluded from the composition of CROBEX©, CROBEXtr© and CROBEXplus® indices starting as of April 14th, 2022. The revision shall be carried out on April 13th, 2022 after the close of trading.
