Organization of the Exchange: Supervisory Board

  • Matko Maravić,  INTERCAPITAL Inc., President of the Supervisory Board
    • Legal entities in which the member participates in the work of the management or supervisory board:
      1. INTERCAPITAL Inc. - executive director
      2. INTERCAPITAL securities Ltd., Zagreb - procurator
      3. INTERCAPITAL IB ltd. - procurator
      4. LJUBLJANSKA BORZA d.d. - Supervisory Board Member
    • There are no companies in which the member holds 5% or more of the voting rights and / or the share capital
  • Tomislav Jakšić, assoc. prof. dr. sc. at Faculty of Law Zagreb, Deputy President of the Supervisory Board​
    • There are no companies in which the member participates in the work of the management or supervisory board
    • There are no companies in which the member holds 5% or more of the voting rights and / or the share capital
  • Bente Avnung Landsnes, member of the Supervisory Board
    • Legal entities in which the member participates in the work of the management or supervisory board:
      1. Hvitsten AS - President of the Supervisory Board
      2. Norbit ASA - Deputy President of the Supervisory Board
      3. Heimstaden Bostad AB - Supervisory Board Member
      4. Heimstaden AB - Supervisory Board Member
      5. Folkeinvest AS - Supervisory Board Member
    • There are no companies in which the member holds 5% or more of the voting rights and / or the share capital
  •  Dražen Čović, Financial Agency, Supervisory Board Member
    • Legal entities in which the member participates in the work of the management or supervisory board:
      1. Financijska agencija - President of the Management Board
      2. FINA gotovinski servisi d.o.o. - President of the Supervisory Board
    • There are no companies in which the member holds 5% or more of the voting rights and / or the share capital
  • Silvije Orsag, prof. dr. sc., regular professor at Faculty of Economics & Business in Zagreb, Supervisory Board Member
    • Legal entities in which the member participates in the work of the management or supervisory board:
      1. SKDD-CCP Smart Clear d.d. - Supervisory Board Member
      2. Agram banka d.d. - Supervisory Board Member
    • There are no companies in which the member holds 5% or more of the voting rights and / or the share capital
  • Vedrana Jelušić Kašić,, member of the Supervisory Board
    • Legal entities in which the member participates in the work of the management or supervisory board:
      1. Privredna Banka Zagreb d.d. - member of the Management Board
      2. PBZ Leasing d.o.o. - President of the Supervisory Board
    • There are no companies in which the member holds 5% or more of the voting rights and / or the share capital
  • Ivan Sardelić, Zagreb Stock Exchange, Inc, Supervisory Board Member - employee representative
    • There are no companies in which the member participates in the work of the management or supervisory board
    • There are no companies in which the member holds 5% or more of the voting rights and / or the share capital