Politics and Documents: Corporate Social Responsibility Policy

We believe that socially responsible business significantly contributes to the long-term sustainability of our organization and is the only way to create added value for all our stakeholders.

Corporate social responsibility policy is a document that encompasses and determines our relationship with relevant stakeholders that our business decisions and business activities have or may have an impact on, or cause changes in the environment that directly affect or may affect stakeholders.

Corporate social responsibility is an integral part of our corporate culture and business policies, and we especially develop and promote the following areas of activity:


The Zagreb Stock Exchange is aware that satisfied employees are the strength of the company and that they lead to more successful business, so we strive to develop corporate policy that encourages growth and development of employees, their creativity, abilities and talents. We continuously invest in improving the working conditions of all our employees, while human rights and health and safety of workers are promoted to levels higher than stipulated by law, while paying special attention to employee education by encouraging them to participate in all seminars we organize as part of our educational activities.

The Zagreb Stock Exchange is guided by socially responsible criteria in employment, especially taking into account gender equality, hard-to-employ individuals and other sustainability criteria, striving to create an inclusive work environment.

The Zagreb Stock Exchange pursues a policy of protecting whistleblowers and a policy of zero tolerance to bribery and corruption.


It is extremely important to include children's rights, their needs and security in conducting business operations of the company. Guided by this fact, the Zagreb Stock Exchange has been promoting children's rights for many years, both through various initiatives, advocacy and education of employees, and additional rights of parents' employees that directly and/or indirectly affect the children's rights. The Zagreb Stock Exchange will continue to promote children's rights and work for the benefit of children, both through the already mentioned activities and the introduction of new ones.

"Supporting employees in their parenting or caring role, employing young people and ensuring that the next generation has the skills needed to grow business are just some of the concrete steps the business sector can take." (UNICEF Croatia: "Principles on Children's Rights and Business").


The Zagreb Stock Exchange seeks to promote and participate in the education of all current and potential participants of the capital market as well as other stakeholders, especially young people, and especially through its Zagreb Stock Exchange Academy. The Zagreb Stock Exchange strives to cooperate with local and regional suppliers who also give importance to ESG factors in business.

The Exchange plans to continue participating in initiatives that contribute to the development of the social environment in which it operates.

The Zagreb Stock Exchange is committed to striving to establish and maintain gender equality in the structure of employees, especially the Management Board and the Supervisory Board.


The Zagreb Stock Exchange strives to operate taking into account the environmental impacts of all business segments. The aim is primarily to further educate employees and raise awareness of the need to care for the environment and to take precautions in business and activities of the Exchange, which contribute to environmental protection, striving for business that does not produce negative effects on the environment and increase those activities that contribute to protection and the preservation of the environment and natural resources.

The Zagreb Stock Exchange will encourage and advocate initiatives aimed at sustainable financing through the capital market.